Thursday, November 8, 2012

Kindergarten Watercolor Castles

I saw this on Deep Space Sparkle and was dying to try this with my Kinders since it fit in perfectly with my shape unit.  We talked all about castles: who lives in them, how are they made, where could a castle be found, etc.  I introduced the word architect to their vocabulary and they got a kick out of being one for the day.  We did some directed drawing starting off with oil pastel, I gave them an idea of where to put the shapes and then I showed them ways they could add their own details to make their castles look unique.  The next class I broke out the liquid watercolors and let them go crazy with the paint.  All of them turned out so cute!

Best part of the project: When I asked who lives in castles, the first answer a boy gives me is "servants."





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