Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Second Grade Cubist Collages

I kind of stole this idea from another blog who has super awesome projects, but second grade spent October learning about the Cubist art movement.  I had to kids do a See, Think, Wonder exercise with Pablo Picasso's collage The Three Musicians and we talked about how Cubist artists  used a lot of basic shapes in their art.  They started off their collages by choosing a background paper and I showed them ways to create different types of floors; we also talked about the kids of details we could make for inside a house.  The next time we met I brought out one of those movable skeletons (we named him Mr. Bones) that you can get at a Halloween store and we talked about how the body moves at the joints, then I showed them how to use rectangles to make their figures.  Their only rules for this project was to 1. make a person that is doing some sort of action, 2. use different colors, and 3. use LOTS of details.  They all made some pretty awesome collages, but I really like the one with the red background because the kid made a picture of an evil man eating!



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